About Maayra (Dance Society) of ANDC
Maayra, the Dance Society of Acharya Narendra Dev College, was formed in 2016. It is basically a Western dance society but it also performs folk dances at various college events like Garba Eve, Diwali Mela, etc. The members of the Society also perform at various inter-college competitions organised by the different colleges of the University of Delhi.
Maayra is a Society by the students, for the students and of the students. It welcomes each and every student even if they don’t have any background of dance. The senior members teach the juniors from scratch and all they need to do is put their heart into it for two hours a day. They not only teach dance but also leadership skills, team work and management in the process. Participating in different inter-college events gives one a lot of exposure which ultimately boosts the confidence level. Maayra is gradually becoming one of the most popular Societies among the students.