About Tathagat (History) of Aryabhatta College
Tathagat was established as the society for Department of History in the year 2018. One of the youngest Departments of the college caters to a very curious and active batch of students who manage Tathagat. Tathagat is organised seminars, talk and excursions for the department.
Webinar on “Ambedkar’s Vision for National Integration”
Speaker : Kuldeep Chand Agnihotri
15th April 2021
Dr. Kuldeep Chand Agnihotri, Vice Chancellor (Central university of Himachal Pradesh) was invited by the NSS for a webinar to commemorate Ambedkar Jayanti on the topic “Ambedkar’s Vision for National Integration” 15th April 2021, at 12:00 P.M. on the link: http://meet.google.com/ggy-oano-zqt via google meet. Since the topic was of direct relevance to the students of History from the syllabus point of view, therefore the seminar was attended by the students of history along with the other courses. The faculty of history was part of the seminar too. Dr. Agnihotri spoke on the idea of integration and Ambedkar’s role in the formative years of newly independent India. The faculties of the history department made special efforts to ensure that students of final year attended the seminar in large numbers.
“History and The Jigsaw of Time” – A Lecture
Speaker : Prof Farhat Nasreen
4th Feb 2020
Department of history of Aryabhatta College organised a lecture on the topic “History and The Jigsaw of Time” by Professor Farhat Nasreen of Jamia Millia Islamia in the seminar hall on 4th Feb 2020. Our principal welcomed the guest with a planter and elaborated on the importance of sources in understanding the gaps in history.
Prof. Nasreen talked about the importance and story behind the composition of some of the mediaeval books that eventually decided the content of the text. The articulation of authority through scholars in mediaeval times and establishment of moral normative. 83 students attended the program.
Vote of thanks was delivered by the Teacher In Charge Dr. Rajesh Kumar. Students attended the seminar in large numbers and satisfied their piqued curiosity over the discussion during the question answer session.
“Surrogacy and the Politics of Reproduction a Gender Analysis” A Lecture
Speaker : Dr. Smita Sahgal
The department of History “Tathagat ” organised a special talk on the topic “Surrogacy and the Politics of Reproduction and Gender Analysis” by Dr. Smita Sahgal, Associate Professor, Lady Shri Ram College for Women, D.U. The seminar was inaugurated by our principal Prof. Manoj Sinha welcomed the guest and presented her with a planter. The talk began at 12pm in the Seminar Hall, Dr. Sahgal enlightened the students about the tradition of continuity and change in the concept of surrogacy and women rights. The students were very attentive and asked multiple questions on the topic, making the seminar a very lively discussion. Approximately 69 students attended the talk. The teacher in charge Dr. Rajesh Kumar delivered the vote of thanks to the guest. The seminar concluded with distribution of refreshment to the students.
After March 2020, in the wake of the covid pandemic, sudden announcement of lockdown by the Government, took by surprise both, the students and the faculty. However, to ensure continuity in the process of teaching and learning during the difficult period of COVID-19. The Department of history in collaboration with BA Prog organised a lecture series under the able guidance of the TIC’s i.e. Dr. Rajesh Kumar and Dr. Krishna Murari, while the Principal Dr. Manoj Sinha devoted his precious time to each of the events and welcomed the guests as he opened each of the sessions. Details for the same are highlighted subsequently.
Webinar on “INA and India’s Struggle for Independence 1945-47” Chaired
Speaker : Prof Kapil Kumar
5th May 2020
Department of History organised a webinar on the topic INA and India’s Struggle for Independence 1945-47. The Guest Speaker for the day was Dr. Kapil Kumar, IGNOU. The speaker highlighted the role and contribution of INA and Subhas Chandra Bose during the freedom struggle. All the teachers of the Department along with 68 students attended the webinar.
Webinar on “Post Mauryan Times of India”
Speaker : Dr. Shankar Kumar
14th May 2020
In tradition of the concept of knowledge sharing, societies of B.A. Prog and History of Aryabhatta College, Tathagat and Arahat conducted a webinar on the topic “Post Mauryan Times in India” by Dr. Shankar Kumar, Assistant Professor, (Department of History, Hindu College, D.U) on 14 May 2020. Dr. Kumar Gave a very detailed account of change and continuity in practices and politics after the decline of the mighty empire of the Mauryas. His bilingual approach and ease with which he spoke made it very interesting for the students of both Hindi and English medium students. 76 students attended the webinar from the safety of their houses.
Webinar on “Shunga History: An Epigraphical and Art Historical Review” – A Lecture
Speaker : Mr. Anand Bardhan
18th May 2020
A webinar was organised by departmental societies of B.A. Prog and History of Aryabhatta College, Tathagat and Arahat respectively. The Departments invited Mr. Anand Bardhan, (Delhi Institute of Heritage Research and management, Delhi) on the topic Shunga History: An Epigraphical and Art Historical Review., on 18 May 2020. The session was attended by a large number of students. Our guest shared his valuable insights on the process of evolution of Shunga Dynasty and the rich cultural heritage in the form of epigraphical records from the period. The importance of epigraphs as a source of history was elaborated upon. While he also added in detail, important insights related to art as proof of the cultural footprint of human civilization. The students asked many interesting questions that were very patiently attended to by Mr. Bardhan.
Webinar on “Shunga History: An Epigraphical and Art Historical Review” – A Lecture
Speaker : Mr. Anand Bardhan
18th May 2020
A webinar was organised by departmental societies of B.A. Prog and History of Aryabhatta College, Tathagat and Arahat respectively. The Departments invited Mr. Anand Bardhan, (Delhi Institute of Heritage Research and management, Delhi) on the topic Shunga History: An Epigraphical and Art Historical Review., on 18 May 2020. The session was attended by a large number of students. Our guest shared his valuable insights on the process of evolution of Shunga Dynasty and the rich cultural heritage in the form of epigraphical records from the period. The importance of epigraphs as a source of history was elaborated upon. While he also added in detail, important insights related to art as proof of the cultural footprint of human civilization. The students asked many interesting questions that were very patiently attended to by Mr. Bardhan.