About Iris Queer Collective of Bharati College
In the last few years, people of the LGBTQPIA+ community have been able to gain increasing visibility and significance. The section 377 of the Indian Penal Code was also declared unconstitutional in 2018. Educational spaces which direct societies towards progress are, thus, expected to become more inclusive and by institutionalizing a society for the LGBTQPIA+ community in our esteemed college, we are taking a step forward. Officialized in January 2022, Iris aims to provide a safe space for the LGBTQPIA+ community and eliminate any feelings of alienation that the students may face, because of their sexuality or gender identity. In addition, it is also our motive to increase awareness and decrease prejudices and stigma.
Iris is for the members of the LGBTQPIA+ community and allies to set a new precedent for those who come after us, and to ensure them that this campus is a safe space which will welcome them. Iris believes in the fact that one day a society for the LGBTQPIA+ community will be a common society in each and every college.
In order to make our society as approachable and as kind as possible, we decided to adopt a mascot for Iris. This mascot was designed considering the founding members’ love for cats. Our mascot is Miyoko. The name Miyoko literally means Beautiful. Their pronouns are they and them