About ENACTUS of College of Vocational Studies
Our college collaborated with Enactus and formed Enactus-CVS in October 2013. Enactus is an international non-pro it organisation with presence in 36 countries and more than 1700 universities worldwide and works with university students. It believes students can make a difference in their communities by becoming socially responsible business leaders. The purpose is to enable progress through entrepreneurial action with the mission to see an India free from the clutches of gender inequality, where men and women have equal opportunity. It was founded by 9 students, who wished to rise by lifting others.
Project Ehtiyaat-
- This Project is in collaboration with Enactus Khalsa.
- Collaboration with Sugadh NGO – We collaborated with Sugadh NGO for the supply of masks and with local retailers for the supply of sanitisers and soaps.
- Collaboration with Papoz – We collaborated with Papoz, for the door-to-door de- livery. We together provided about 300+ Covid19 Kits to the unprivileged people.
- New Innovation – We introduced a new dimension in our project which focused on plastic pollution. As of now, we are focusing on the upcycling of plastic bags into utility products such as as- handbags, pouches, mats etc. We are looking for collab- orations with weavers and handloom communities.
- Collaboration with more eateries for UCO – 6 more eateries embark with us on this journey, providing us used cooking oil.
- Working on possible Collaboration with Punjab Government- They will handle the production of soaps and procurement of used cooking oil in Punjab. We will teach soap production to their community.
- Collaboration with Samarpan NGO- We will teach soap production to their com- munity. They will help us in expansion and provide us useful resources.
- Increased our Cobbler number from 25 to 32. Updated our cobblers on google maps under our Banner Jooton ka Garage where we crossed 10,000 views. We also started making shoe plants.
- Collaboration with Samarpan NGO- We will teach soap production to their com- munity. They will help us in expansion and provide us useful resources.
Doormat Prototype
After extensive brainstorming sessions with our project members, one group came up with an idea of the Doormat, and the team didn’t stop there, the group also ensured the implementation of the very same, and the proto- type was soon ready. Although, the prototype is at a nascent stage and have also realised there are some drawbacks, we will be seeing some changes made to our prototype.
Enactus – Research and Development
Nine projects have been shortlisted within the Research and Development department, each with its unique target and impact, but all geared towards the common goal of Enactus- Uplifting Others
- The Gulal Project-A high potential project, this project uses discarded lowers, wasted oils and scents, to make coloured powders and dyes for festive usage. This is completely organic and hence plays a huge role
- The Paper project – Within this project, the main aim is to reuse old, used and discarded paper and newspapers, and convert them into a solid paper base which has multiple utility and is quite promising
- The Education Focus –This project is geared towards providing necessary skills to underprivileged children, who even though are educated, are unemployable.
- The Toy Refurbishment project – Within this model, our main objective would be to reuse and recycle old toys, a leading cause of pollution in India, and create a very necessary market for the now marginalised toy sellers of India.
- The Water filter project –clean water is still a problem in India and this Project is a step in the right direction. This project uses a sugarcane/charcoal/bamboo-based model for significant cleanliness of Water.
- The composting project – Kitchen waste in our homes is completely wasted and is dumped into the wastelands, however this waste has a very high potential, the potential of being used as manure. This project will incorporate waste biodegradable products which will be used to create a manure base
- The detergent addition (Abyaan specific) – Abyaan has a very unique approach to creation of soaps by incorporating UCO in them.A very valuable addition will be the waste product based and organic detergents which will give Abyaan a much needed addition to its product line.
- The Plastic replacement (Ehtiyaat addition) – Ehtiyaat is currently leading a unique approach to plastic reduction and this project will have a two-faceted ap- proach.One will be convert plastic into somewhat utility products by simple changes to the products and the inclusion of bamboo products will also lead the charge against the currently life threatening Plastic epidemic
- Toothpaste tablets – Every household consumes over 10 tubes of Toothpaste each year, multiply that with millions of families and the plastic use here only is filter- ally scary.