About Rotaract Club of College of Vocational Studies
Rotaract Club was formed in the college on 18th July 2018, guided by Rotary Club of Delhi South West. It connects CVS Rotaractors with the Rotaract Movement. The Rotaract club of CVS is involved in:
Community Services aimed at improving life in our local communities. These activities are often initiated as District events. Our club participates in all the events organised by the Rotaract District 3011 as well as any other Rotary event.
Club Services – They promote socialising, making friends and having a good time Fellowship. Professional Vocational Services aimed at developing skills of student-members with opportunities for professional development.
International Services – Student members also participate in any international Rotary event that is beyond the boundaries of Rotaract District 3011. This can include interaction with even non-Rotary service minded community leaders of another country.
Webinars – Spread Joy Not Germs
Rotary area of focus-Disease prevention and treatment
Rotaract Club of CVS collaborated in this event which was organised by Rotaract Club of Ingenious Beings (RID 3011) on 10th July 2020. The event was about gifting somebody in need, a home-made cloth mask. The aim of the event was to be productive at home, when covid and lockdown were at peak.
The 6 Teachings Nelson Mandela
Rotary area of focus – Peace and conflict prevention
On the occasion of Nelson Mandela Day on 18th July 2020, Rotaract Club of CVS presented this event as an online awareness campaign to inspire the generation to think more, dream more and achieve more.
Kamiyaabi Ka Safar
Rotaract Club of CVS organised this webinar for self-motivation and confidence building, on 18th July 2020 at 11 a.m. on Zoom meeting. Maj. Gen. Vikram Dev Dogra (AVSM) was the guest speaker of the session who spoke about his journey and his resilience. Approx. 54 people participated in this event.
Yes, To Myself
Rotary area of focus – Promoting peace
On 29th July, 2020 Rotaract Club of CVS in collaboration with PSYK-LIFE organised this live session on Instagram focusing on self-love and managing emotions. Main speaker for the session was Ms. Kirti Garg, a Mental health advocate, founder of PSYK-LIFE and also a psychologist in training. She taught about self-love, how to manage emotions and its importance.
Let’s Stretch It Out!
Rotary area of focus – Disease prevention and treatment
On the occasion of World Youth Skills Day, Rotaract Club of CVS in collaboration with 5 other clubs organised this online event on 15th July 2020. In this event, the participants were asked to send their pictures or videos while performing yoga or meditation. The main aim of the event was to promote fitness and peace of mind among youngsters.
Know Your Social Media
Rotary area of focus – Basic education and literacy
On 28th July, 2020 Rotaract Club of CVS organised “Know Your Social Media” an online event in collaboration with Rotaract Club of Hyderabad Galaxy RID 3271. This was a social media webinar conducted over zoom platform. The main speaker for the webinar was Ms. Ayushi Jain, founder of temptingrecipes.com, also a social media influencer, public speaker and a motivational speaker. The speaker enlightened the participantswith her acumens regarding benefits of social media, growing business through social media, Instagram optimization, LinkedIn optimization and Pinterest optimization. The session provided insights to all the budding social media marketers and influencers.
Rotary area of focus – Basic education and literacy
Rotaract Club of CVS in collaboration with Rotaract Club of Madurai North, RID3000 initiated an online awareness campaign Naaritva – Myths Vs Facts, during the World Breast Feeding week from 1st to 7th of August, 2020. The event focused on the areas specific to women like: breast feeding, menstruation, eve- teasing, pregnancy & virginity. Each day true facts were provided which are generally overshadowed by numerous myths in respect to the given areas of focus.
Rotaract Club of CVS organized 6-day long project starting from 16th August 2020, named Be Indian, Buy Indian.” The motive of the event was to create awareness about the Indian Brands available in the market and to stop depending upon the foreign brands. Each day, a different industry was focused upon to provide valuable information regarding the Indian brands as a better substitute to foreign brands.
Victory: Life Over Death
Rotary area of focus – Promoting peace
On the World Suicide Prevention Day, 10th September2020, Rotaract club of CVS presented ‘Victory -Life over Death’ a webinar on suicide prevention in collaboration with Rotaract Club of Nehu (RID 3240), Rotaract Club od DAVIM, Rotaract Club of Delhi Vedanta, Rotaract Club of Maharaja Agrasen and Rotaract Club of New Delhi Next. The session threw light on choosing happiness over grief and choosing life over death. The main areas of focus were: Mental health, Anxiety, Depression and Importance of Happiness. The speaker of the session Mrs. Geetika Gaurav is a motivational speaker and a social worker and the founder of Sabhyataa Foundation.
Online Session On Presentation And Writing Skills
Rotary area of focus – Basic education and literacy
Rotaract Club of CVS organized a two-day online workshop on Writing and Presentation Skills, on 24th and 25th September 2020 via zoom meetings. The speaker of the session was a renowned personality, Mr. Jitin Chawla, founder and director of North India’s top most career counselling firm, Centre for Career Development, Delhi. The session being open for collaboration, got 12 collaborations from Rotaract Clubs of various Rotaract districts of India. The session was open for all: the rotaractors and non-rotaractors. The event was a success receiving participation of approx. 90 people on both the days.
Reduce, Recycle, Reuse
Rotaract club of CVS in collaboration with Bare Necessities organized this 7-day online event from 17th to 23rd March 2021, where entries from participants were invited in the form of reels of Instagram concerning the 3R theme. People from various colleges participated and the winners were announced on the social media platform of this club.