About Us

Welcome to DU Squad!

DU Squad is the only one-stop platform on the internet providing updates about anything and everything related to the University of Delhi.

We have analysed the problems most students face due to a need for sources to gain information about Delhi University. We provide in-depth information related to the formal admission procedure at Delhi University, entrance exams and colleges and their details, thus, assisting students in getting admission to Delhi University and being updated about any academic or non-academic updates.

DU squad regularly provides updates about any latest happenings at Delhi University related to fests, events, sessions, internship drives, academic updates and expert guidance to the students. Our main goal is to assist students by updating them about their college and university.

We assist college departments, clubs and societies to market and promote their event and fairs and engage with more and more students through our platform.


Our team consists of self-motivated students from all colleges of Delhi University who strive to gain insights about every event happening all over Delhi University and convey it to their fellow students through our platform.