About Ananda – The Happiness club of Bharati College
Ananda: Positivity Unfolded is a selfless initiative that believes in giving students a reason to smile and feel positive. The happiness club of Bharati College under IQAC aims at spreading positivity and happiness everywhere. Happiness: Can it be defined or put into a few words? Of course not! It is something that can be felt; an emotion that everyone is hankering after. In fact, the ultimate goal of every person on this planet is to be HAPPY! Amidst the ravaging pandemic, hectic schedule of classes, assignments and the infinite chaos of life, something that makes you pause and ponder; cheer life, that is Ananda.
“Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the inner lights.” With Ananda, we aim at making the college campus a more emboldened and positive space for students, so that they feel elated and confident. In Ananda, the focus is entirely on searching the ways and means to make the students happier and build an environment that is surrounded with positivity and happiness. We aspire to create a happy space where students feel free to express their feelings; be mindful as well as calm and find happiness in all the little things around them.
This platform also tries to bring in a reason for everyone to smile and leave behind their stresses and tensions and also help them to build resilience to manage the stressful situations. The activities conducted include flash mobs, open house discussions, sharing personal experiences, getting answers to unanswered questions, dance sessions, games, activities, sharing stories, nukkad natak, joke sessions to name a few. Ananda will render an ultimate experience and aims at adding meaning to life and give direction to the directionless. Come and join ANANDA and help in making the college: A Happy Experience!
- Ananda held two sessions which were attended by a lot of freshers along with the 2nd and 3rd year students of the college held on: 6th November 2020 and 26th November 2020. Students personally texted and expressed how Ananda helped them and made them feel more positive during the day. We will continue to hold such sessions and keep spreading positivity with Ananda.
- Ananda Held an event of asking people riddles on 17th january,2020. 40 people participated in this.
- Ananda organised an open-mic event in collaboration with vanijya Samiti on 21st january 2020, around 60 people participated in this event.
- Ananda held an event on talking about body positivity on 2nd february 2020.
- In March and April, they had “The Therapy Saga”, in which we held two sessions, Creativity Therapy: Happiness through mandalas and Music Therapy: Happiness through soulfulness of music. We also held a session where students dressed up and represented their state and culture.
- 53 students participated in Hues of India event held on 16 april 2021.
- Musical therapy(the therapy saga) event held on march 28 2021 with the participation number of 58.
- 66 people participated in the Creativity therapy held on march 6 2021.
- Mental Health and emotional intelligence event held on 20th February 2021.