Ahead of the latest academic year, Delhi University (DU) has launched new strict anti-ragging measures to promote safety on campus. Effective immediately, the penalties for ragging are suspension, expulsion, cancellation of degrees, and being banned from being present in classes and giving exams.
Delhi University held a Proctorial Board meeting on Thursday to talk about new strict anti-ragging measures that aims to prevent ragging, which will be implemented starting this session.
In the two-page notification delivered by Delhi University on Friday, 11 anti-ragging measures, a complaint mechanism, and associated penalties were detailed. It stated that all students and hostellers, along with their parents or guardians, must sign an anti-ragging undertaking during the admissions process.
Delhi University will also celebrate Anti-Ragging Day on August 12, followed by Anti-Ragging Week from August 12 to August 18.
These events, in accordance with UGC guidelines, aim to raise awareness about the hazards and impact of ragging and create a positive environment for all students. To address any incidents of ragging, DU will set up two joint control rooms on the North and South campuses, according to the information.
Students can complain about any incident regarding ragging via multiple mediums, like the UGC Anti-Ragging Helpline (1800-180-5522), the anti-ragging web portal, and local police stations.
The announcement also stated that anti-ragging slogans or posters in both English and Hindi have been put wisely across the North and South Campuses to strengthen the university’s zero-tolerance policy towards ragging.
Colleges and hostels have been ordered to not allow outsiders’s entry and prominently display anti-ragging measures. Each college, faculty, department, and hostel is needed to set up anti-ragging and disciplinary committees as well as vigilance squads, utilising NCC and NSS student volunteers to monitor and inform them if they see any suspicious activities.
Moreover, police pickets will be stationed outside every college, with special provisions for girl’s colleges. Plain-clothed women officers will look after the university grounds to solve issues regarding ragging and eve-teasing, as mentioned in the notification.
Zero Tolerance
“Any acts of indiscipline and ragging will be dealt with strictly under the university’s statutes and ordinances,” the note stated.
It also said that “students desirous of [seeking] paying guest accommodations must ensure that their PG is duly verified by the police.”
The new session will begin on August 1 for the 2nd and 3rd-year students, and the first-year session will start once the admission procedure is completed.
Mandatory Undertakings and Vigilance Squads
As it is included in the preventive measures, all students, hostellers, and their parents or guardians have to sign an anti-ragging undertaking during the admission procedure. It’s compulsory for all.
DU has also said that all colleges, faculties, departments, and hostels take anti-ragging measures seriously or form disciplinary committees and vigilance commissions.
These groups will involve students of the National Cadet Corps (NCC) and National Service Scheme (NSS) volunteers to prevent ragging activities.
PG Accommodation Safety
Those students who want to live in paying guest (PG) accommodation, the university has suggested ensuring that their PG is verified by the police.
Regular monitoring of these accommodations by police is needed to ensure the proper safety and security of students who are living in them.
These new security and anti-ragging measures by Delhi University, in collaboration with Delhi Police, aim to promote a secure and supportive environment for all students, particularly for freshers.