About Nibs and Brushes: A Creative Writing and Fine Arts Society of Aryabhatta College
Nibs and Brushes’, a creative writing and fine arts society of Aryabhatta College, is dedicated to advancing human creativity in an increasingly complex and technology-driven world. We believe creativity is the true catalyst for social and economic change and the most essential skill for success in today’s society.
Our Mission
To inspire and nurture the human soul – one artwork at a time.
Through the transformative power of the arts, our society serves as a window to an ever-changing and diverse world, providing the knowledge to our members so they can engage in society as both artists and citizens. Our focus is on the development of the individual student, so each might find meaning and fulfilment as an artist.
Create an artistic community of practice.
Expose others to the creative process.
Engage in inter-college collaboration.
Our Vision
Building community through the arts where artists of all backgrounds have an opportunity to freely express themselves and also have an opportunity to network with like-minded people. Nibs and Brushes is dedicated to providing a nurturing and encouraging environment for artists at all levels of their creative journey as well as encourage participation in the arts through education, collaborations and competitions.
Our Values
To provide a sense of community to the artists in our society and make each and every one heard and seen.
- We recognize the creative potential in everyone and we believe that no matter where the person is in their artistic journey, she/he deserves a platform to express themselves.
- We believe that the creative process fosters self-discovery and expression, providing a powerful means for learning and communication.
- We believe that the full expression of creativity results in productive and successful students who make meaningful contributions to society.
- We respect the diversity of perspectives and art mediums that students bring to the pursuit and achievement of our mission.
- We are committed to making different techniques and medium accessible to all our artists.
Our Goals
- Develop a creative community of artists.
- Connect artists with opportunities for exhibitions, commissions and collaborations.
- Seek opportunities to promote local artists as creators and collaborators.
- Support new and emerging artists in our college.
- Offer lectures, exhibition spaces and performances that inform, inspire and start conversations.
- Convene gatherings of artists and arts supporters.
- Participate in relevant local and regional initiatives.
- Develop a comprehensive fundraising plan.
Poster Making Competition
Nibs & Brushes in Collaboration with the Garden & Aesthetic Committee hosted a Poster Making Competition on the Themes of ‘Environmental Awareness’. The event was organized on 17.12.2021. Students from other colleges too participated in the event and helped spread a green consciousness among all. About 30 students participated in the event including those from outside who sent in their entries on the theme.
‘Pandemic Life through Creative Lens’ (Nibs & Brushes, and PICWIC)
The Society members presented poetry and narratives, self-composed pieces, on their experience of life during Covid-19 on 04th Match 2022. The event was a result of joint collaboration of Arts & Culture with IQAC and held in the online mode. Twelve students presented their poetry and stories and artwork submissions
Open Mic Event
An Open Mic Event was hosted on 11th April 2022 at 11:30 AM in the Taregana Block. Writers & Artists expressed their artistic side through this event. The event like always was a well-attended and popular among the audience.
World Environment Day: Paint the Planter
On the Occasion of world Environment Day 2022, Nibs & Brushes in collaboration with Environment and Aesthetics Committee of the College conducted the event ‘Paint the Planter’ on 14.06.2022. During this event students painted the pots and planters of the college on the theme – Green Earth. The idea was to engage students in celebrating and spreading awareness on environment in a sustainable manner. Students in groups of 3-4 students beautifully painted their vision, thoughts and slogans related to environment. These painted planters are now displayed at various spots in college to remind us for our responsibility towards nature. A total of 30 students participated and received certificates for the same.
Project titled ‘Aryabhatta: A College in the Making’ (Ongoing)
The project is intended to encourage an engagement with the Aryabhatta College and the eponymous figure of Aryabhatta after whom the College is named. It is aimed at working towards building a future archive documenting the changing face of the College. It plans to include other visual mediums such as film and photography. The project will be open to all members of the College. After the success of Aryabhatta portrait and Aryabhatta Calendar, the society hopes to recreate landscape paintings of Aryabhatta College among other art pieces. Mr. Ravi Srivastava, from Non-teaching staff painted a landscape painting of Taregna Block that now adorns the Principal’s Office.
Creation of Tranquility Zone –Taregna Block
A special project titled ‘Creation of Tranquility Zone’ was carried out in an attempt to create spaces of wellness and meditation. It was executed under the joint supervision of the Environment & Aesthetics Committee in collaboration with Nibs & Brushes in the last week of June whereby students have created a meditative space with motifs from yoga in the Taregna Block under the supervision of Mannat Dhillon & Shubhangi, the student coordinators and Ms. Varsha Singh, the Faculty Advisor to the Society.
Kalakavyam, the society magazine
The Nibs & Brushes has also for the first time come up with its own society publication. The society magazine named Kalakavyam intends to capture the variegated experiences of life and artistic impulses.