Students are builders of the nation and at ANDC, a lot of impetus is given to physical fitness and sports so that they develop into disciplined individuals with proficient minds. The college has two sports instructors with one of them being a Dronacharya Awardee (highest honour for The college has two sports instructors with one of them being a Dronacharya Awardee (highest honour for Sports Society in India) in India) and under their guidance, the students are scaling new heights in sports.
The college has facilities for table tennis, chess, cricket, football, volleyball, basketball and athletics. Exclusive coaching classes are held by specialized instructors for training the focused students to take up sports as a viable career option.
ANDC lays special emphasis on the promotion of sports among para-athletes. The college organizes an annual multi-sports event involving athletes with a range of disabilities, including impaired muscle power, passive range of movement, limb deficiency, vision impairment and intellectual impairment.
Sports is treated as a full-fledged subject as part of Physical Education in the college and taught as Generic Elective (GE) papers in various undergraduate courses.
The ANDC teams have participated in Delhi University Inter College Sports Tournament: Cricket (Men), Football (Men), Volleyball (Men), Volleyball (Women), Basketball (Men), Badminton (Men), Badminton (Women), Athletics (Men & Women), Lawn Tennis (Men), Lawn Tennis (Men), Chess (Men). Intra College Sports Tournaments and Sports Day are organized every year.